Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

The Philosophy of Science "in Islamic Studies : The forgetten Analytical tool . whatever science is compiled , conceptualized, taught and distributed , orally and in writing can not be without a philosophical paradigm. the basic assumptions of a scholar go along with the method ( proces and procedures )he or she follows , the approach goes along with theoretical framework ( the way of thinking ) that is used . the role of logic,, the measure of the scientific validity , the basic principles, ,and the relation between subject and object are several of the main factor connected with the pundamental stucture of an academic contruction .

The Philosophy of Science "in Islamic Studies : The forgetten Analytical tool .

whatever science is compiled , conceptualized, taught and distributed , orally and in writing can not be without a philosophical paradigm. the basic assumptions of a scholar go along with the method ( proces and procedures )he or she follows , the approach goes along with theoretical framework ( the way of thinking ) that is used . the role of logic,, the measure of the scientific validity , the basic principles, ,and the relation between subject and object are several of the main factor connected with the pundamental stucture of an academic contruction .

Filsafat Ilmu "dalam Islamic Studies: The forgetten Analytical tool.

ilmu apa pun dikompilasi, dikonseptualisasikan, mengajar dan didistribusikan, secara lisan dan tertulis tidak dapat tanpa paradigma filosofis. asumsi dasar seorang ulama pergi bersama-sama dengan metode (proces dan prosedur) mengikuti dia, pendekatan ini sejalan dengan kerangka teoretis (cara berpikir) yang digunakan. peran logika,, ukuran validitas ilmiah, prinsip-prinsip dasar,, dan hubungan antara subjek dan objek adalah beberapa faktor utama yang berhubungan dengan struktur pundamental contruction akademis.

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